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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

pengentasan poverty in region autonomy wisdom sketch

indonesian government paradigm change has experienced metamorfosis enough dinamic, where does indonesia government system formerly guide in government system sentralistik now turn into decentralization government system that pour in uu no 22 year 1999 about region government.

with memberlakukannya invite to invite number 22 year 1999 about region government be beginning step from a new paradigm in government exertion in indonesia. every local government in indonesia given a authority (authority) very vast, real and bertanggungjawab proportionally to the region each (hendriawan, “penanggulangan poverty in wisdom sketch desentralisasi”).

that thing realized with arrangement, distribution, and national resource utilization, with centre finance counter balance and region as according to region autonomy principles, that is: democracy (democratization), character with society (community participation), pay attention variety (uniformity) region, generalization and justice with kelolanya potential resource at region efficiently and effective.

therefore supposed every region can to optimize resource memilikinya to creat welfare berorientasi in society importance, and realized one of them with government efforts in the case of poverty tackling. with region authority ever greater, so local government with dprd- has responsibility and keleluasan big enough to take important decisions and strategic for effortss overcome poverty and service quality enhanced to the society.

with menerapkannya region autonomy government system, so effortss to overcome poverty and service quality enhanced to poor society more is priority for every region, as region responsibility form towards society, especially in poor society. so that in the end poverty troubleshoots that appear many be responsived, decided and carried out quickly and effective by local government, without having to wait and many depend on instruction from central government.
but practically government transformation from sentralistik be desentralistik by applying region autonomy principles, still to felted less result or the benefit for poor society menyetiap region. when do we review to return principles that be guide in region autonomy execution, one of [the] that is; democracy, generalization and justice, so should poverty level in indonesia longer more decreased, not even on the contrary increase.

based on counting bps, poor citizen percentage in indonesia until year 2003 stills tall permanent, as big as 17,4 percent,s, with larger ones citizen total that is 37,4 million person. even, based on family coordination body number berencana national (bkkbn) in the year 2001, poor family percentage (family prasejahtera and prosperous i) in 2001 achieve 52,07 percent,s or absolut majority family total in indonesia (hamonangan ritonga, “mengapa poverty in indonesia be problem continues? ”).

angka- this number is mengindikasi that poverty tackling programs during the time not yet success overcome poverty problem in indonesia. while in reformation time in this time and in region autonomy era, government many has taked wisdom or programs to mengentas that good poverty is increased also in region level. and clear the result, there is no change significant towards tackling kemiskian, between applications system region autonomy government with previous times, and permanent poverty then increases sharp

by herbowo sampurno

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